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How to get an Amazon bestseller badge for your product?

Writer's picture: Powerhouse AdminPowerhouse Admin

Did you know that 55% of shoppers actively use Amazon to check for the product cost and availability, whereas only 28% of shoppers use Google for the same? This clearly shows that Amazon has become a household name across the world. Not only is it popular, but it is also one of the most successful brands today. As of February 2021, it had a staggering net worth of 7.1 trillion dollars.

This monumental success of Amazon was mainly attributed to its vast network of sellers located around the globe. It was a synergetic relationship; In return for a small fee, Amazon took care of all the sellers’ key processes such as shipping, tracking orders, and returns management. On top of it, these sellers had a plethora of Amazon tools and features that they could use to make their product one of the top-selling products on Amazon. One such feature is an Amazon bestseller badge. If you are a regular Amazon shopper, it’s hard to miss this badge in any category you search. In all probability, you would have clicked this product and even went on to purchase it. So what is this badge, and how to get one? Let’s find out.

What is Amazon Best Seller Badge?

In aesthetic terms, the bestseller badge is an orange strip icon placed on the top-left corner of eligible Amazon products on the listing page. It is given to the most selling products on Amazon.

Amazon defines this badge as -

“Our most popular products based on sales. Updated hourly”.

This explanation seems quite clear, but there are some hidden takeaways. For example, it says the badge is updated every hour, which means that a seller has 24 chances in a day to acquire the badge. This is good news. But the bad news is the same seller who had a best seller badge the previous hour can lose the badge in the next hour.

A product is given the #1 ranking if it had sold more units than any other product in the same category and in the same marketplace. The keyword here is ‘marketplace.’ For instance, if your product is ranked #1 on but is ranked #500 on, the product will get the best seller badge only in the Indian market and not in the US Market.

Amazon’s A9 Algorithm is the one that determines the ranking of a product. The product which has the highest number of sales usually receives the badge in that specific category. Another important point to note is that many categories don’t have a bestseller badge. Amazon doesn’t give a best seller badge if there is no sales data for a category for that hour.

Why is Amazon Best Seller Badge Important?

If you plan to sell a product on Amazon, here are the advantages of having a bestseller badge -

  • Your product will be listed at the top when a customer search for a product in your category or sub-category. Having a bestseller badge will increase your product sales as 64% of shoppers tend to click on only the first 3 results on the page.

  • The best seller product will also show up while customers are looking at different products, even while using irrelevant search terms in the same category.

  • Having a bestseller badge improves trust in your brand and helps them make an informed purchase decision. Shoppers will want to purchase your product as Amazon itself has vouched for it through its bestseller badge.

  • Bestseller products have also been given a unique category where all such items would be visible. The shoppers who visited this page for other products may end up purchasing your product.

4 Ways to get the bestseller badge

Before we look into the different ways, remember this mantra -

Higher the rank in search → Higher the sales → Higher the chances of getting the bestseller badge

All the below hacks are based on this principle.

1. Choose the right category for your product.

Though it is quite basic, it is still an important point - You need to categorize your product the right way because competition plays a key part in getting the badge. Imagine you are selling wireless headphones, and you have two options to decide the category -

Category 1: Electronics > Mobile > Mobile Accessories > Headphones

Category 2: Electronics > Mobile > Mobile Accessories > Headphones > Wireless

What would you choose?

Both category 1 and category 2 fit your product, but the latter would help you earn a bestseller badge easily, as the competition would be less.

Categorization is a tad complex in Amazon, especially due to the presence of hundreds of categories and sub-categories, with some of them very similar. Use your best judgment to choose the right category and subcategory that is as specific as possible and perfectly matches your product.

2. Optimised Listing

You should do extensive research on Amazon keywords before you push a product live. Understand how users search for products like yours on Amazon. Use keywords tools to identify the right keywords for your product(s) that you need to add to the product copy. The keywords will help you write SEO-friendly product titles and descriptions. Images also play a pivotal role in optimizing your listing and get the badge. Use as many good-quality pictures as possible for your product. All these optimizations are tracked by Amazon’s search algorithm, which pushes your product to the top and improves your sales. Better the sales, easier to get the badge.

3. Keep Pricing Competitive

It is important to monitor the prices of your competitors and set your price accordingly. Remember, it is not necessary to keep the lowest price, but the price should be in an acceptable range. If your competitor's price is less than yours, then make sure to list the reasons for your product's higher price. Competitive prices will boost your product’s sales, which improves your product ranking and the chances to become an Amazon bestseller.

4. Healthy Promotions & Advertising

A great way to boost your sales and increase the organic ranking is by advertising using the Amazon Pay-Per-Click campaign. Promotion increases your sales drastically, which helps you acquire the bestseller badge. Sellers can even offer coupons and be part of lighting deals to boost their sales.

Challenges in getting the badge and how to overcome them?

The seller must overcome several challenges to own Amazon best selling products. Here are two main challenge that they face -

Challenge 1

About 70% of customers don’t cross the first search result page. This is even though their product is extremely useful for customers. Why did this happen? Simple - Amazon’s search algorithm did not find your product to be relevant to the searched keyword. The solution - Do a lot of keyword research and give SEO-rich titles and descriptions for your product in bullets.

Challenge 2

Most sellers lose the badge after an hour. To retain the best seller badge for a long duration, you need to market your product constantly. Opt for Amazon PPC advertising campaigns, and offer lightning discounts regularly to overcome this challenge.

Closing Thoughts

The bestseller badge is part of a never-ending cycle. Having better sales will give you the best seller badge, and having a bestseller badge will increase the sales of the product. To be a part of this cycle, you have to choose the right methods to optimize your listing regularly. If you are new to the eCommerce ecosystem, you would need the help of partners like Powerhouse91. Powerhouse91 can help your eCommerce business scale up in no time, thanks to their experienced team. Want to know more? Contact us today.

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